A Morning On The Pond

Spring on the pond; Nature is returning to the northern woods. Ice is slow to go, but the ducks and geese are well on their way to carrying on another generation. The Muskrat is glad to be out from under the ice, and the Red Fox is out searching the ponds and streams looking for sustenance...

Canada Goose Spring Nesti...

It starts before ice-out in the north—Canada Geese arrive and plan for their spring nest. The early birds get the best nesting spots, often on a beaver lodge, like this pair. The gander defends his territory impressively, driving off other hopeful pairs of geese. Forming a lifetime bond,...

Blizzard Whitetails

Winter can be very difficult for whitetail deer. When snow is deep, as it is this winter, food becomes harder and harder to find. Whitetails spend their days split between finding woody browse and staying warm. With deep snow making it difficult to run, predators can also become more of a...

Snowstorm Birds

There’s no doubt that winter is tough on wildlife. Some adapt, some travel or migrate to warmer climes. The ones that choose to stay often face cold temperatures and deep snow. Watching from the warmth of my home, I can’t help but feel pain for my winged friends out in the cold. If I...

Summer Clouds

High in the sky–large, roiling masses of condensed air; summer cloud formations form some of the most dramatic scenes in nature. Strong updrafts lifting currents of air cause water vapor to condense and form clouds. When there is fast, powerful convection caused by atmospheric...