Bucks Dropping Antlers

Late winter brings a dramatic change to White Tail bucks. Beginning in late December, bucks lose that year’s antler growth–usually dropping them one at a time in different locations. Occasionally, the larger bucks drop both antlers together. One will fall, and they will shake their...

Ichneumon Wasps

Ichneumon Wasps have over 3000 known species; these of the genus megarhyssa are two of the largest—eight to ten inches in total length. The long whip-like ovipositors on females enable the wasp to penetrate the host wood through small openings in the stump and lay eggs on the resident...

Piping Plovers Banded on ...

Piping Plovers, Charadrius melodus, are an endangered species of shorebird. Every year, during breeding season, groups of volunteers and National Lakeshore Rangers and staff along the shore of Lake Michigan work together caring for these nesting pairs and their chicks. Plover nest sites are...

Birkie Trail & Trek

The American Birkebeiner holds a trek and trail run each fall– a fun event, watch some of the highlights here. Search “Birkie Trail Run” for our clips of this event here on our website, under “stock footage” above. Music-“J. Science” by Derek...

Turkey Vultures and Black...

Eating carrion is a dirty job… thankfully there is help on the wing to perform this most important task in nature. The Turkey Vulture, Cathartes aura, is the most widely distributed vulture in the Americas and definitely fit for the task. They are easily recognized, as they soar with their...