Ruffed Grouse Rhythm

The beginning of April signals the turning point for this Ruffed Grouse. Mating season is fast approaching and he has this exact location picked out; he is ready to start advertising. By fanning his wings back and forth repetitiously, he creates a low, reverberating song that carries...

Lake Superior Ice

Late Winter, Lake Superior. Not a nice place sometimes. But, taken in the right frame of mind the beauty of the place comes to you. Ice palaces and rocky frozen shores can terrify the inner qualms. Cold, bitter, yet beautiful. Ride the waves of ice-ridden water as the shores of Lake Superior...

Pileated Woodpecker Drumm...

You just can’t beat a good hollow tree. That’s what many of nature’s subjects truly believe. This Pileated Woodpecker, the largest in North America, has found just what he’s looking for–a sturdy, yet hollow tree. He checks out the tree, then everyone around can check out...

Spring Turkeys are here!

Every late winter/early spring, turkeys flock here in the Northwoods. They join into groups of up to 100 birds. Moving about within the flocks, the tom turkeys position themselves for the hens benefit. Watch how this tom moves his tail strategically so each individual hen can notice him...

Late Winter Chickadee

Frosty mornings are still upon is. Spring is right around the corner, temperatures are beginning to warm. Add occasional moisture on top of the snow and we get beautiful frost on the pines. Birds are feeding constantly, like this chickadee. Cardinals are beginning to sing their spring...