Meet the Spring Peeper

When you are only an inch long, you have special issues. Being heard above all others so you can find a mate, can be a problem. And, with wetlands diminishing, space is a challenge. Meet the Northern Spring Peeper. Called “pinkletinks” or “tinkeltoes” in some areas of the U.S. and Canada, these small frogs are best known for their high-pitched calls–sounding like sleigh bells–in the early spring wetlands. The name “Pseudacris crucifer” comes in part from the cross or “X” marking across their back. Usually nocturnal, they move from the woodlands, where they spend most of their time, to the vernal spring ponds to find mates and lay eggs. Up to 1000 eggs produce tadpoles, which live in these ponds for about 8 weeks. Then tiny, one-half inch new froglets venture out to meet the world. Watch for these new arrivals—and watch where you step.

Music: “You are the love of my life” by The Spring Peepers

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